Monday, February 23, 2004

I'm still really just messing with this thing. I want to put pics on here and I haven't figured out how.
I've been in a craptacular mood all day, understandable for a Monday I guess, and I've got a ton of stuff to do. For the moment I'd rather just write on this...
I'm having an interesting time trying to put together a Battle of the Bands for ye olde highschool. Scott Miller is taking care of most of it and I'm taking care of the administrative side of things. It's coming together, but it's a lot of work.
Because it's tied in with Student Council, everything has to be motioned etc. Normally that's alright, but today Scott got in an arguement with a council member. She was in the wrong and was being nasty, but things got tense and ugly. Scott peaked out on her. It didn't go well for our cause of trying to get an extra $300 added to our budget... (the drama)
Oddly enough, we got the money... which will afford us a MUCH better sound system AND bring in District 7 for a set, which'll be cool. Better quality, better show.
I've procrastinated long enough for one night...


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