Thursday, September 22, 2005

I just ate a rotten cherry tomato. now I don't want any more...

currently:: listening to Kimya Davidson and beginning to think about maybe doing something today. Except it's 6:30. So it's a day wasted no matter how you cut it... unless I like, save a whale or something.

I'm thinking of a story to tell... here's one.

On monday I woke up early. Up by eight for an english lecture at ten. It's smart to leave the house at nine-ish or nine fifteen. I was pleased to be up and not in a rush. I puttered around, ate a banana, had a shower and packed my lunch. I felt pretty rested. On my way out the door I asked Des what time it was, I checked the clock in Des's room and it read 10:20... my lecture had started twenty minutes ago. I had no idea how I had been so off. I checked my room clock, and found the culprit. My clock read 9:20. I walked out the door shaking my head, at least I'd be on time for my tutorial.

I caught the last five minutes of lecture, my tutorial starts directly after but I couldnt find the room it's in. So I got to the room maybe five minutes late.

The door was locked.

Not only was it locked, it was double locked. Evidently my TA didn't like late-comers. I winced and knocked twice. Nothing. The T.A. didn't even pause in his lecture. Obviously he had somesort of policy about being on time or not at all. I wasn't about to be the idiot who can't take a hint and bangs on the door really loud. So after a second of thought, I pulled out my books, put my ear to the door and took notes for an hour. I had comments and questions and everything, but he couldnt see my hand raised from the other side of the door.

After the tutorial let out, I went in to introduce/explain myself.

'Hello, I'm Meag Culkeen,' I said a little apologetically. 'I'm in your tutorial, I was a little late, and your door was locked?' I gestured toward the door.

'Oh!' he said, 'the door was locked?'

'Yeah, double locked' I said. 'I knocked'.

'I musn't have heard you', he said, waving me off. 'Next time just bang on the door really loud.'

Only me.


Blogger Shannon. said...

meaghan...only the most studious and cool little lawn gnome lover would eavesdrop on her own class. At york, a friend would have walked by, said "word" and I'd be in the Yogen fruz lineup before you could say cricket.

1:36 AM  

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