Saturday, December 01, 2007

the parade. the lattes. the tired bones.

There's a parade going on outside my window. Again.
I'm wondering if I should start selling tickets to sit in my window. It's minus twelve outside. Cold enough so that the kids are yelling "TOO COLD! TOO COLD MUMMAAAY!".

I'm tempted to jaunt back over to work to see if they need me. I suspect that if I go they'll need me, and if I don't they'll live without me. They've got a capable crew on deck.

My apartment is quiet and clean. I've been appreciating this a lot this week. I cleaned on Monday. I've been washing every fork and plate and chopstick I dirty, for fear that if I let two forks accumulate, they'll have forkbabies in my sink and I'll have a sink full of dirty dishes the next time I turn around.

I am vigilant!


Blogger Shannon. said...

continue in your vigilance, because spooning leading to forking, and forking leads to...FORKBABIES!

1:16 AM  

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