Thursday, October 25, 2007

Nobody said.

Just got in from the radio.
I ended up working an extra hour and a half tonight for Steve.
A coworker didn't show up for her shift. I felt bad for said coworker, she's been doing pretty well, but she'd been trying to swap away this shift all day. And when she couldnt swap it, she forgot to show up. Yikes, kids. Don't do that!

So I showed up for a cappuccino and ended up behind the counter. Somehow at Natas this is fine for me, whereas at the Spill it was annoying as all hell.

I worked all morning and slept all afternoon. Woke up feeling lonely. Hate that. Stopped in on the boys, but they were feeling particularly madly in love with each other, so I went home. Then I went to work again.

And now, post-radio, I am awake. Five-hour midday naps do not bode well for decent bedtimes. I figure it's worth a shot though.


Blogger Shannon. said...

I am really, super glad that you like your job so much.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Oh Meag!
I saw your light on a few nights ago, but was in too much of a rush to go home, get gift, and visit. We must have fun as soon as possible. I might have time to see you Sat night chez party?

2:55 PM  
Blogger Desiree said...

I often end up helping at the DoB when I come in for a latte and this are going mad. Desiree -- the cure for disarray. True story. No embellishments.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Desiree said...

and by this I means things... clearly ;) <3

7:43 PM  

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