Saturday, February 05, 2005

.legal drinking age and not a drop to show for it.

Yeah, yesterday was the big nineteenth birthday. Only one year remains of my seven year sentence as a teenager. I can now legally enter any show at any bar in Canada. This IS cause for celebration.

I had a grand day, more heavily celebrated than my birthdays at home actually. I like home birthdays, they have a tendency to be very low key. Coffee shop birthday parties and spaghetti dinners at home being good examples of the usual festivities. Lifeteamers sung to me at midnight and I recieved many gifts some of which include -

- a care package from mom, (cookies and books!)
- a book from shannon called 'Belong - a search for urban culture' (she knows me well)
- two dozen (!) roses from Josh
- ten Ethical Addictions dollars from Jimmy
- eternal love from Jo and Amanda
- a beautiul ink drawing of St. Catherine street in Montreal by Andrew
- A trip to the theatre from Laura
- A hemp necklace made by Faye
- a promise of a post-lifeteams beer from Chris
- A wonderful childrens book from Iona called 'At the Back of the Northwind'

Man, I just realized that I got a crapload of birthday gifts. I am absolutely surounded by good friends who know me well. Praise God for stuff like that... and shame on me for not thanking Him everyday for friends who care about me.

::In other news::

It's official... I'm coming back to Peterborough next year. I had the forms sent yesterday and will be a student of Trent University in the fall. I've been wrestling with where I'll be next year for a while, praying and thinking about it and whatnot. In the end I think that God just gave me a bunch of really good options and said 'pick'.

I'm starting to realize that God's call on my life might have a LOT less to do with where I am and more to do with who I am wherever He puts me. So it looks like Peterborough is where I'll be.

I'm glad, I miss it...


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