Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Well, in absence of a thing to write...

I shall write anyway. Second sem is off to a decent start, I missed the Lifeteams crew in my short two week absence (although we seem to have all dropped the separation anxiety that trademarked us at the beginning, ie: 'you're going out for the whole day?!)

Actually it's neat at the house, I think the break did us good. We're all hanging out in the livingroom together in the evening like we did in the beginning, only without the shyness of just barely knowing anyone. It's good, kinda like airing out your favourite blanket. That and the house is covered with candy, I mean does EVERYONE get extreme amounts of candy for christmas? Because we all seem to have brought tins and boxes and bags of sugar loaded delicious junk.

Sigh. Tempation knocks down the door doesn't it folks? I'll post later this week, perhaps with something of substance to report to all of you.


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