When Thom Yorke just wants a good belly laugh
(I got these from spin mag, enjoy)
1. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: Because he was a thoughtless automaton
2. - Two guys walk into a bar. The first guy says 'Hey man, you kinda remind me of a robot." the second guy replies "Yes, and that is why I control you."
3. Q. What is black and white and red all over?
A. a slaughtered zebra
4. A man walks into a doctors office with a pelican on his head. The man asks "How do I get this pelican off my head?" the doctor replies "The ice age is coming."
5. The pope, a hasidic jew and Jesse Jackson are on an airplane at 50,000 feet. Suddenly the engines start to fail. They go to the back of the plane to locate the the parachutes. However, they only find a bunch of books about airine disasters. The plane crashes. End of joke.
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