Tuesday, August 08, 2006

haaseltons. has a computer.

I am in Haaseltons. Because they have a computer. And because sometimes my girls hang out here.

I asked if the girl behind the bar could make up a drink for me. She said yes. I was pleased.
I asked for last summers hands down favourite iced drink: a four-shot of espresso over ice with a shot of vanilla topped with soymilk.

She had no idea what I meant.

I am giving instructions to the whole world via the interweb on how to make this drink.

1. take a large cup. fill with ice
2. pour vanilla syrup over ice (caramel, hazelnut, and cinnamon syrups also work wonderfully)
3. brew two double
short shots of espresso and pour them over the ice
4. take soymilk. pour it over the espresso.
5. serve, it looks nice with a drizzle of chocolate or a shot of whip. Orange curls are great too if you have them on hand.

And voila. An insanely caffienated adventure in deliciousness. If you want one, come to the Silverbean when I'm working. Ask for the iced fourshot. I can even make it decaf.


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