(((( shock and awe's... wild applause)))))

Desiree and I actually set up and cleaned our livingroom.
It has been a rather treacherous, unnavigable storage room for stuff since Des moved in the first of September. Now the crap is closeted, our lone chair is in its corner and I've galleried the walls up a notch. By tomorrow afternoon it should actually be ready for my friends Andrew and Kim, who are comin' over for Thanksgiving.
Now... for my kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. Epecially...
Well, especially all of them.
I was seriously considering calling some sort of Molly Maid service for a hand in cutting through this mess. The dishes alone will take a couple of hours. Then there's the real work of scrubbing, and trying to make my apartment smell like animals don't outnumber humans.
It's five thirty in the morning. I'm going to bed. Goodnight... er. Goodmorning.

Desiree and I actually set up and cleaned our livingroom.
It has been a rather treacherous, unnavigable storage room for stuff since Des moved in the first of September. Now the crap is closeted, our lone chair is in its corner and I've galleried the walls up a notch. By tomorrow afternoon it should actually be ready for my friends Andrew and Kim, who are comin' over for Thanksgiving.
Now... for my kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. Epecially...
Well, especially all of them.
I was seriously considering calling some sort of Molly Maid service for a hand in cutting through this mess. The dishes alone will take a couple of hours. Then there's the real work of scrubbing, and trying to make my apartment smell like animals don't outnumber humans.
It's five thirty in the morning. I'm going to bed. Goodnight... er. Goodmorning.
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