when meaghan-standard-time bites back.
I was an hour late for work this morning. At the Silverbean. I opened the cafe almost forty minutes late. I set the alarm for 8pm rather than 8am. A classic error if there ever was one.
I was rescued by Desiree, Dahn and Dan who all came running to the 'Bean to help me set up furniture. I was amazed at how fast my friends ran to help me out of a situation that was clearly my own doing.
Thanks guys. You did my heart good.
This brings me to the next action. 'Fessing up to the boss. (Because it's honest. Because she'll find out anyway.)
I've rehearsed it three dozen times at least. At least a dozen of those mental rehearsals have ended in me being fired. What makes it worse is that I had zero intention of messing up the opening this morning. My intention was to show up a half hour early to do an extra good job. I'm generally sorry, and really disappointed in myself.
Bringing me to what bothers me most about this whole thing. I hate it when my actions don't line up with my own intentions. I hate it when I want to be kind but end up treating others poorly. When I mean to work hard and instead act out of laziness. When I mean to be good, and end up being the classic sinner. All that kills me, because I don't measure up to who I want to be.
So, I guess I confess tomorrow, feel bad and move on. I'll work on making my actions reflect my intentions... with the foundation that God likes me regardless.
On with it then.

I was an hour late for work this morning. At the Silverbean. I opened the cafe almost forty minutes late. I set the alarm for 8pm rather than 8am. A classic error if there ever was one.
I was rescued by Desiree, Dahn and Dan who all came running to the 'Bean to help me set up furniture. I was amazed at how fast my friends ran to help me out of a situation that was clearly my own doing.
Thanks guys. You did my heart good.
This brings me to the next action. 'Fessing up to the boss. (Because it's honest. Because she'll find out anyway.)
I've rehearsed it three dozen times at least. At least a dozen of those mental rehearsals have ended in me being fired. What makes it worse is that I had zero intention of messing up the opening this morning. My intention was to show up a half hour early to do an extra good job. I'm generally sorry, and really disappointed in myself.
Bringing me to what bothers me most about this whole thing. I hate it when my actions don't line up with my own intentions. I hate it when I want to be kind but end up treating others poorly. When I mean to work hard and instead act out of laziness. When I mean to be good, and end up being the classic sinner. All that kills me, because I don't measure up to who I want to be.
So, I guess I confess tomorrow, feel bad and move on. I'll work on making my actions reflect my intentions... with the foundation that God likes me regardless.
On with it then.
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