I'm off to the laundromat. This time is for real. (cracks knuckles)
My opt out cheque isnt here... I'm worried, I really need the money, otherwise mom and dad are getting popsicle stick presents for christmas... and I'd rather not resort to pipecleaners and cotton balls if I can help it.
Second shift at the bridge tonight is in the works. It should be fun, I need to get ready now though, being as laundry takes a couple of hours and I'm resenting the lack of laundry machines in my apartment. At least I'll read some of Crime and Punishment, that'll be fun.
what is WITH crime and punishment? and why does everyone who isn't Fine arts read it? is it GOOD?
uh... confession : I didnt actually do my laundry.
(studies her shoes)
I tried reading 'Crime & Punishment'. I honestly did. I couldn't get past the drunk guy at the bar prattling on about everything and nothing. Maybe if the characters' names were English I would have had more luck. I put it down and will not pick it up. You're better than me, Meaghan.
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