Celebratory post. Wherein the vegans eat parsley

Lets party!
1) I tso finished my finel sessay!
2) It's my brother's birthday! Happy flippin' seventeenth Andrew!
3) I'm going to be a vegan at a steakhouse tonight
4) This is my 300th post on this blog
5) Golly gosh darn it! I just want to par-tay!

Lets party!
1) I tso finished my finel sessay!
2) It's my brother's birthday! Happy flippin' seventeenth Andrew!
3) I'm going to be a vegan at a steakhouse tonight
4) This is my 300th post on this blog
5) Golly gosh darn it! I just want to par-tay!
Party party! You deserve it after all that lock-down stuff. Did the triple-dragons eat you? Oh. Did you convert them to vegan-ism? :)
I find it amusing you're going to be at a steakhouse tonight. Happy parsley! ;) Hope you get a bit more to eat than that. :) God bless you Meags!
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