lock and load.

I am no longer on lockdown. I still have a workbook to finish for monday, but I am no longer on lockdown. I am simply in quarantine.
Yes, in my double-all-nighter, stressed-out, forget-to-eat mode, I managed to get sick. I rarely get sick, so it's a bit of a bummer. So I guess I stock up on orange juice, neo-citran, dristan, cough-drops, advil, and... tea. And wait this thing out. That's right, this town ain't big enough for the both of us.

I am no longer on lockdown. I still have a workbook to finish for monday, but I am no longer on lockdown. I am simply in quarantine.
Yes, in my double-all-nighter, stressed-out, forget-to-eat mode, I managed to get sick. I rarely get sick, so it's a bit of a bummer. So I guess I stock up on orange juice, neo-citran, dristan, cough-drops, advil, and... tea. And wait this thing out. That's right, this town ain't big enough for the both of us.
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