tomorrow is exam and haircut day.
(incidentally, this is a picture of me. bald and studying, back in highschool.)

I wish I could skip the exam and move right on with the haircut. But... it's not meant to be. I have to write this exam. I have to do well on it. So, I've spent all day having a quiet sort of sunday, involving laundry, church, radio, dahn and dan's and fun at my place with jen and topher and the roommate... and now I'm feeling a little panicky. What if I don't pass Canadian Studies? I mean, the rest of my classes will have decent marks... but I really let this one slide. Ah, worry sets in.
To be honest I will just be happy when this season of classes is over. I've got a week to pack my stuff and move upstairs. It'll be a change. I think I'm a sucker for change actually. If I don't move every few months I get itchy... hopefully an upstairs move gives me my fix. I also maybe start summer class in the first week of may. I've signed up for one class. I may back out for financial reasons. I'd only be a part time student, so I foot the bill for tuition... and last I checked you don't find nine hundred bucks in between the couch cushions.
And now it's quarter after one. I'm sort of sleepy. But I should study some of these concepts... but who am I kidding? If I stay on the computer I'm going to end up reading back issues of dinosaur comics for two hours and checking my friends blogs ten times. So with that startling confession out of me... I will rest up for this flipping exam. And the haircut. I'll rest up for that too.
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