I woke up.

Yeah, yeah. I don't post lots. Yeah, yeah, real life and stuff.
I started classes this week. It's going to be an interesting summer session. That's for sure. I'm taking Italian 100 (say it like a radio announcer: "ITALIAN ONE HUNDRED!!"). The prof is Teresa (say it with me: "Terayza") and she's awesome. All lipstick and pearls and highheels and attitude. She's intimidating, but she knows Italian. That's for sure.
I'm also in Philosophy of Religion... which'll be interesting. I find so many philosophy majors to be such pretentious prats. They talk endlessly about inane bullshit and distract from the lecture. I don't get it. Anyway this class is full of them.
The class is covering a whole set of questions that I didnt think it was heading toward. Mainly: the philosophical Problem of the Judeo-Christian God. This takes us anywhere from the problem of Evil to the idea of omnipotence to the line between Faith and Reason. It's all so personal somehow. But the Christians in my class are all insane. I dont feel proud to count myself among them. I don't deal well with closed minds pretending at righteousness. Stupidity is not a virtue.
The sitcom of the best friend next door is going well. I like sharing food with two friends. I like having coffee with them in the morning at their place. God is good to me. He has blessed me with friends whom I love very dearly.
Other than that. It's time to hit the hay. Again.
Your homework today is to cuss more and sin less. Swear lots and be kind!

Yeah, yeah. I don't post lots. Yeah, yeah, real life and stuff.
I started classes this week. It's going to be an interesting summer session. That's for sure. I'm taking Italian 100 (say it like a radio announcer: "ITALIAN ONE HUNDRED!!"). The prof is Teresa (say it with me: "Terayza") and she's awesome. All lipstick and pearls and highheels and attitude. She's intimidating, but she knows Italian. That's for sure.
I'm also in Philosophy of Religion... which'll be interesting. I find so many philosophy majors to be such pretentious prats. They talk endlessly about inane bullshit and distract from the lecture. I don't get it. Anyway this class is full of them.
The class is covering a whole set of questions that I didnt think it was heading toward. Mainly: the philosophical Problem of the Judeo-Christian God. This takes us anywhere from the problem of Evil to the idea of omnipotence to the line between Faith and Reason. It's all so personal somehow. But the Christians in my class are all insane. I dont feel proud to count myself among them. I don't deal well with closed minds pretending at righteousness. Stupidity is not a virtue.
The sitcom of the best friend next door is going well. I like sharing food with two friends. I like having coffee with them in the morning at their place. God is good to me. He has blessed me with friends whom I love very dearly.
Other than that. It's time to hit the hay. Again.
Your homework today is to cuss more and sin less. Swear lots and be kind!
Yeah, Christians in Philosophy courses are dangerous. Philosophy students in Philosophy courses are dangerous. Actually, Philosophy in general is dangerous because it can be used as an aid in thinking up elaborate excuses and methods for denying truth (or at least for justifying a life that is completely inconsistent with one's supposed worldview/philosophy).
Which I suppose is to say, I've been avoiding Philosophy of Religion like the plague for the very reasons you shared. It's too much of an opportunity for people's stupidity to fly into the fan and spread around.
Then again, I'm insane, so maybe I'd fit right in.
Damn, I forgot to cuss.
I don't think I need to cuss more than i already do.
I would rather eat out the rotting asshole of a dead skunk and wash it down with Guiness mixed with tequila and rat piss than take that course.
I'm not so pretentious.
Mostly just a prat. :D
err---- this is des not dan
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