Friday, October 08, 2004

I have moved up in the geek ladder.

I am now the proud owner of an Army of Darkness t-shirt. A complete impulse purchase I might add on an exploratory trip around the Lonsdale district (my placement stomping grounds) with Josh. Get this, the dude who owns the comic store where said t-shirt was purchased IS the comic store guy from the Simpsons... it's incredible folks... I have seen a cartoon in human form. The only noted difference is that this particular comic store owner was wearing a Star Trek styled shirt ... live long and prosper...

Placement, as a note is going well. It makes me sort of tired... I need to learn how to sleep at night. The problem is that when you sleep in this house you're either missing something, or you're having your picture taken while you sleep. Sigh, I think that they have about four or five of me sleeping now. I'll post them later. I grudgingly admit that they are sort of funny.

In placement (from here on out known as Skate Church - it's what the kids call it) I've got a group of about a dozen grade ten girls I'm in charge of. Fifteen and sixteen year olds mostly... I went to their highschool today just to check it out. The girls are rad, the type you'd find hanging out on the edges of a skatepark watching their boyfriends. I'm looking forward to getting to know them. Other than that today I pushed paper at the church office. It's a massive church that we work out of... like, huge. They have a paid Children's Music Pastor (to give you an idea) ... as well as about four full time youth workers I've seen so far. So today I did the exciting part of youth ministry that the pros call data entry...

Yeah... I can see Jesus sitting down at a computer for three hours fiddling with Excel.

Just kidding. No worries... it could be worse... my placement partner was enriched spiritually for hours today practicing the spiritual discipline of laminating. ;-)

I'm having fun.


Blogger said...

Ah, Laminating.

Much like the spiritual discipline of face-painting, of which I partook for five hours today.

I painted Sarah's face like a cat, she painted mine like a mouse. Catch the symbolism.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Accultus said...

haha nice, way to move up the geek laddr Meaghan. I'm at school and finishing up my prison sentence of down time befor I can get out of my LIT test. I think I did good. Me Fail Ingish Thats Unpossible. ;) w2g Luke cat and mouse indeed.

-Have Faith

8:27 AM  

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