Monday, December 13, 2004

On the ownership of winegums...

So I just got back home from a late night Tim Hortons run. The purpose of said run was to pick up one of those little Timmies gift certificates for a Lifehouse gift exchange tomorrow. After two rather unsuccessful stops at Whatcom and Sumas tim Hortons respectively, I gave up and came home only to find that my world had collapsed into a stagnant heap of frustration.

Somebody had opened my box of winegums.

It's an unspoken rule folks, you don't open the package if it's not yours and you never eat the last of anything. I walked onto the scene to find both of my roommates/potential suspects sleeping and my package of winegums (to be used as a GIFT) ripped open and obviously pilfered from. Anger consumed my being.

Before I could begin tearing my sisters in christ/suspects limb from limb I remembered some stuff that the Lifeteamers had been studying about. Poetic stuff like 'the essential is invisible' and 'what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal'. Then I remembered something about us not really 'owning' anything because God owned everything. My anger lessened slightly as I felt a twinge of conviction... these aren't MY winegums that have been nicked... these are GOD'S winegums!

Having discovered a mantra, I started to say quietly 'These are God's winegums... These are God's winegums...' over and over, my angst dissipating slightly with each repetition.
Lost in my own thoughts as I repeated this phrase I moved into a bit of a crescendo. 'These are God's winegums... These are GOD's winegums!...' adding emphasis into each word. In the middle of another rousing repetition I looked up long enough to see Laura, my housemate, standing in my doorway staring at me with her mouth open.

Great... Just when I thought that everyone here was under the impression that I was sane...


Blogger Accultus said...

oh meags.

2:18 PM  

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