Saturday, July 23, 2005

saturday never has breaks.

it never does. seven hour shift today. no lunch, no break. Ahh, complaining's useless though. nobody gets a break on saturdays... Saturday's are insane. The internationally renowned Saturday Market goes on downtown, and everyone needs their espresso machiatto's in order.

I did another heart latte this morning. My milk was a little hot, but my espresso shot was grand. Yeah, everybody wins with a perfect crema.

Ha, I got a gift from work today. A bottle of real nice Quebecois beer. I thought it was wine at first. The bottle and cork would suggest as much. But nope, my boss gives me a bottle of nice beer to tell me that I'm doing alright at work.
I laughed and blushed, such joy.

Now, the real perplexing minute that followed was me trying to figure out who I could drink it with. The household I live in is not alcohol friendly. I hid the beer actually, too many impressionable christian teens (but mom, meaghan drinks it and she's christian). Plus some of other boarders are fasting alcohol for the summer, and the parents avoid alcohol at all costs. Not exactly a good scene.

All in all, the only friend on this whole island I could come up with that I could happily share a beer with is Andrew. It's just so geeky though. Walk up to him in church and say 'Hey, I have beer. Want to hang out and drink it?'

I mean, really. Adulthood is overrated.

(I love presents anyway....)


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