Monday, June 27, 2005

never failed me yet.

I'm printing off the tabs for 'Hard Time Killing Floor Blues', I've been playing a simplified version of it forever and I'm bored of it. I never did get my day off on Sunday, so tomorrow is my first day off since I started work. I'm going to hang out on a dock in Fulford with Lindsay Lou and Andrew. I'll pack along a guitar and practice it there, drink some mate and enjoy the day.

On another note I'm tired of posting light little weather reports on the events of my day. Lets bloodlet for a second here. Lately I've felt a disconnect with God. I don't know how to fix it. Maybe it's not me who can fix it even, I try to fix things a lot. Make it all better and gloss over the point. I kind of wish it would all go away, I'm wondering how tight I actually am with God... maybe how tight I ever was. It's throwing me for a loop. I know God loves me, but I feel somehow uneasy, like I missed a boat somewhere with him. I feel like I'm fighting temptation with a bat and losing.

Maybe I'm just feeling down and out. But I don't know what to do on my end to mend this. I want to be tight with God, tighter than ever. I dont know what I'm missing here, only that I'm missing something.

I'm going to sleep.

(jesus blood, never failed me yet.)


Blogger Shannon. said...

seems like being paranoid about one's relationship with God is the thing to do these days. Be confident in your relationship. Jardin and I were talking about this yesterday. Then we jumped off a bridge...relax, pray, and know that God has random blessings for you everywhere.

9:37 AM  
Blogger Accultus said...

FIghting Temtation is good but you need a bigger bat. Look in the book and pull a Spaz twelve out of the pages. I'll be sending you a Desert Eagle .50 in the mail.

7:35 PM  
Blogger waayyy said...

i'm applyin 2thing u did this yr(sorry duno how secretive supposed 2 b on the blog site) so little obsessed wit the orgs site. went lookin, thinkin philosophical like, about how i want myself sorted out, so i can live life where i'm praisin n focused on God and not bein lazy n meloncholy. then low n behold u seem 2 b sayin wat i bin feelin! God's cool huh... i'm a random lass in far off england, yet he's made me feel comfortable enough 2 write this random comment 2 ya! anyhoo stay cool. be merry - he has us in his hands! more to the point as my friend told me...he has our names written on his hand! (think it's somewhere in isaiah)

9:35 AM  

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