Wednesday, July 20, 2005

if I ever lose my head.

currently: doing trent stuff, attempting to register for courses, singing songs.

I dislike attempting to do all this university stuff online. It's annoying. Now I'm waiting for screens to load to tell me if I did all the registration stuff right. Man, I think this must all be a complex weeding out process, if you can't manage the system, you wont make it in university...

that being said, this is what my courses are looking like.

Political Studies 100 - Governance and Globalization in the 21st Century

History 170 - Conquest, Resistance and Revolution

English 100 - Introduction to English literature

Sociology 100 - Introduction to Sociology

Canadian studies 100 - Producing Canada

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. These courses sound awfully awesome though. I mean, come on, a whole class on revolution?? This is the best thing EVER, and not a compulsory math or science in sight... I love it.


Blogger said...

HIS 170 is good stuff.

Before you buy le books of text, tell me what they are, I may have some of them.

Get ready for in depth book reviews galore (4 exactly). And 12 page essays (two of them), and a seminar presentation... and the exam. And that's the one course. Have fun.

6:10 PM  
Blogger said...

PS, dig the Damien Jurado reference...

6:11 PM  
Blogger Shannon. said...

hey, these courses do look pretty bloody academic. (puts on the tortured artist voice)
"politics are so...VILE and below my...ART."

7:43 AM  

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