Thursday, January 05, 2006

Betty Crocker got Nothin' on this Vegan. (foo!)

So here's a secret. I like baking about a billion times more than I like cooking.

It's not even that I don't like cooking. Heck, I like cooking a lot. It's just that I find baking astronomically more fulfilling than cooking. In a race between fresh bread vs. great soup... I pick fresh bread.

Today I am making food. It is food making day. It's funny too because I need to have started... oh about twenty minutes ago (oops) because I'm baking. Why would I spend three hours on sidekicks and twenty minutes on the actual main dish? Because baking is more frigging fun. It's cozier. It's got a lot of heart and soul put into it. It is my culinary 'I love you'.

Plus I'm better at it than cooking. 'Nuff said.

Brownies anyone?


Blogger Shannon. said...

Im so proud! best averteed panic attack ever.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Blogger said...

oh my! teach me how to cook please!
I never learned and it's bad....
I can basically live off of Kraft Dinner the rest of my life , and although I wouldn't be opposed to that, it would kinda suck!

On the other hand I'd love some brownies... are they a 'special' kind? ;)

2:58 PM  
Blogger said...

Oh Meaghan.

I'd almost marry you JUST for your cooking and baking.

Especially your VEGAN cooking and baking.

(Though I'd sneak in a steak through the back door....)

6:10 PM  
Blogger Accultus said...

Well said Dan, Well siad! I need to come for lunch sometime. But, not steak . . .


12:32 AM  

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