Last night I stayed up until daybreak with Shannon, talking and eating tomato sandwiches. So I spent most of today sleeping. I'm tired now, but not really that inclined to sleep.
I took a trip down to Jeffs Cards and Comics today, and purchased enough cool models to have a Sisters of Battle army. I was pleased. I now am left with a net worth of five dollars and nine cents. I'm still pretty pleased.
And to cap it all off, I worked my shift at the Bridge. It was a good shift, kind of exausting as usual and with a minor threat of a fight hanging in the air, but I had great conversations and the night went by pretty quickly. I thank God for that place, good stuff happens there. It's not an easy place to volunteer, the kids are often troubled, broken and just trying to get by. But I have such big hopes for them and their lives. Such great hopes.
I think I'll try to get up early tomorrow and organize my life. In the meantime, I'm going to move the crap on my bed to a convenient location on the floor and sleep. Goodnight.
is that my stolen smoke?
Is that Meaghan smoking?
I freaking hope not.
that said I like the image, for the love of all that pure, dont edit yourself because of noah.
ha, enough controversy guys.
I knew I'd raise a couple of eyebrows for this image. I love the image, and I'm not a smoker. And I bought this one fair and square, it's a Captain Black, I'm too green to inhale anything.
I'll post about my relationship with smoking soon I think.
what's a captain black?
a captain black is a small cigar. You buy them in packs like cigarettes.
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