I'm the kind of tired you feel in every limb. I feel hazy and fuzzy on the edges of my thinking. My eyes keep involuntarily shutting. Given a rock to lay my head on, I would sleep for a week.
All that being said, that's not the best way to show up for a shift at The Bridge.
I will never go the the drop in centre tired like this again. I showed up tonight and had nothing to give, so I pretty much stared down the clock for six hours. It cheated the kids who go expecting me to be energetic as usual. That was my mistake this evening. I showed up too tired to work.
I got home at midnight and just finished cleaning the kitchen with Des. The kitchen is clean... hell is an ice rink, and I'm more tired than I was four hours ago. It's been a great day, and the big smoke beckons me tomorrow. Toronto, and the world of public transit await me tomorrow.
Again, adieu dear readers.
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