Tired people don't sleep. Instead they get up early in the morning, after two hours of sleep to go to hamlets like Bewdley to watch their brothers play minor hockey. Then when they get home that night they watch ridiculously funny movies with their friends instead of sleeping. They also drink stupid amounts of coffee.
Well, at least that's what I do.
I am honestly more exausted than I have been in ages. I feel it and it makes my head fuzzy. I'm having issues thinking linearly. I'm a little non-linear to begin with, it's just that I forget the last time I had a decent nights sleep. I suspect I've had only a couple of hours sleep in the past three days or so, and it's beginning to bite me in the face.
So at the early hour of 1:30 a.m., I think I'm going to go to sleep. Actual sleep. I may or may not make it to the Thirdspace tomorrow. God knows. I don't. I have a bad track record of waking up on time for anything that starts before about two in the afternoon, and church definitely starts at eleven-ish. Too early for any guarantees.
Goodnight friends.
you know if you ever get too awake you can come online and pray for me... it couldn't hurt at this time. im kinda desperate for a miracle... i know this sounds weird. at any rate... somethings happened and im back here again in this sucky place called life. you know i figure im probably too out of it to understand like friday or saturday or something to figure this out because peterboroughsucks.com was right i was a fucking loser. and i can't help it but im fucking going insane i know that i stumbled across this but i was fucking retarded. the drugs have been getting to me and i hoped to talk to jess cunningham too but i can't talk to her because she is showing as away or not onlikne and this fucking sucks. i was talking to noah and he suggested biting buthats weird because i know he didn't say that but whatever . ok so it's now early in the morning and im walking to church now. to pray and thats the greatest thing that could ever help someone
MEAGHAN KNOWS ABOUT SPACEGHOST?! Seriously, I thought that me and Rufio were the only ones...go to church, get sleep.
Hi megs! it's me Carmen from that little rock on the other side of Canada! and i'm feeling your pain over here compadre! I'm so tired that i'm skipping out on monday night bible study to sleep. (please don't eat me Michele!) Just want to let you know that i'm still faithful to read your blogs and you still crack me up! much love, Carmen
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