I desperately want to shave my head. Which is something I want to do everytime I desire some sort of intangible change. I have shaved my head three times.
Last years head shaving occured on the night I arrived back in British Columbia from the Christmas holidays spent in Ontario. I had no clippers, so I used kitchen scissors to cut off my then chin-length hair. Then I took one of the boys razors and shaved off what was left. Afterward I felt cold, but somehow more ready to begin the year. I stared at the mirror and ran my hand over my bare scalp before sweeping my hair up off the bathroom floor. When everyone finally arrived back home, they were a little amazed. Jimmy just took off my hat and held my head saying 'Meaghan, Meaghan, Meaghan' over and over.
The second time I shaved my head was for my highschool prom. I think I felt guilty about being swept away by this seemingly quintessential highschool experience. So the morning before, I shaved off my hair and showed up like that. I still have the photos.
The first time I went bald was in the foyer of my highschool. On a bet. This was at the time when I was making plans to leave my parents house after school ended. I secured a summer job in British Columbia, and shaved my head the next day.
I sent around a cup and collected money for the cancer foundation, and made a deal with some of the younger boys that if I shaved my head and raised money, they would too. I sat on a bench with a garbage bag thrown over me and I felt a bizarre lightness and twinge of loss as the buzzer touched my skin and my black hair fell around my feet.
And this time? I think for whatever reason, the hair will stay on my head. It's longer, I'm older, and I guess the timing just isn't right somehow. For the time being, my skull will remain covered. Close shave indeed.
I've been hit by the same desire, for the same reasons, strangely enough. When I need something to change, I want the hair to go. I only shaved it twice, though, not counting maintenance. Baldness is exhilarating, but you're right, now's not the time...though I will be bald again in my life, that I know.
Care to make a descriptive, in depth response to the questions posed there?
I remember the timei shaved Casssie's head at camp. Good times. I also remember the first time i shaved my hear. I looked about 2 years older than everyone else thought i was. I was in grade 7 or 8 i think.
- Andy
Shannon wants me to engage in a discussion, I dont really feel like it. But here goes...
My hair is beautiful, and it is my covering. It is also no longer culturally taboo to shave it off. While a shaved head raises eyebrows, it makes no bold statements of immodesty or rebellion. It causes me no shame to shave off my hair, as it would in the culture of the hebrews.
There you go! Times have changed I guess, and bald women pepper the world. But on the other side, part of the reason that I choose to keep my hair now is that it IS lovely, and a shaved head is something, but in this culture, it is rarely lovely.
So a point for Duncan, a point for Shannon, and two points for me.
Next time we'll really dissect the deep stuff.
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