je me rends.
Fresh ink on my arm... it's bloody, it's beautiful.
A white flag on my left arm with 'je me rends.' written in my handwriting beneath.
I surrender.
Today my mission was to find my very own copy of Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I did.
Then I sat in a cafe downtown and read it cover to cover and cried. Today is a special day.
Fresh ink on my arm... it's bloody, it's beautiful.
A white flag on my left arm with 'je me rends.' written in my handwriting beneath.
I surrender.

Then I sat in a cafe downtown and read it cover to cover and cried. Today is a special day.
my day was less than special, but Im super glad yours was good... and Im stealing JLS, havent read it yet.
actually the ink is very white. In this picture the tattoo is fresh, and quite bloody.
Today the swelling has gone down and it's all cleaned up. Today it looks like a white tattoo with a light pink outline.
When it is healed it will be just white on my skin, so it'll look more like a scar than a tattoo.
Oh permanency...
On the inside or outside of your forearm...?
The words facing the world or you...?
Oh, I can't wait to see it.
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