Saturday, March 25, 2006

I skipped a day. so I'm giving you links... so you'll love me back.
Man, I never go a day without posting. I spent last night at the parents house hanging out with them, my brother, my roommate, plus my aunt and uncle and three little cousins who are up here for a hockey tournament. I've been to two hockey games already this morning, with two more coming up this afternoon. My cousins are great kids. I haven't seen them in over a year. Cheers to Uncle Terry, Aunt Sam, Travis, Austen and Paige!

And now, (here's where I redden with shame) I'm going to watch Gilmour girls. With Desiree. She started it. I blame her. Yes. I abdicate responsibility for this newfound addiction. Hey! I can stop whenever I want....


let's do links. photo links.

Ash Nayler. I fall in love with these images. And when I am rich I will hire her to take pictures of whatever she likes, and sell them to me... at exorbitant prices.

Des the Roommate. I am so happy that I am surrounded by creative, artistic humans. Des takes pictures of ordinary things and renders them more lovely than I thought possible.

Dahn and Dan. This is a beautiful image of two of the most beautiful men that I know.

Latte Art. Fantastic latte photography. Words do not express quite how much I love latte art. The precision, the craft... the joy of watching people drink what you've made.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What pretty coffees! And the other pics are cool too! :) Oh. The link for the pic of Dahn and Dan didn't work for me.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Shannon. said...

pretty pictures....make me so jealous...Im getting a digi cam uber soon! :D

8:07 AM  

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