Saturday, June 25, 2005

cafe con leche.

I worked the opening shift this morning. Which means I was up at five. I haven't done THAT in awhile. The last time I saw five was an all nighter scramble to get my lifeteams assignments done, and that hardly counts.

My dear sister is back from the bush... hanging out in Peterpatch for a day or two anyway. I'm still three thousand miles away, but she feels closer to home for me. Now we can talk on the phone. Yeah phone.

I'm going to church tomorrow, then I'll grab a coffee and head to a reading of A Midsummer Nights Dream at Artspring... it's my favourite Shakespeare play, and I haven't seen it in years. I'm well excited. Then I might do some polaroiding, I've got to find a way to post some of these polaroids... sigh. I'll plot. In the meantime check out postsecret. It's my favourite.

In the meantime that early wake up is catching up to me, so I'm going to header. Goodnight everyone.


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