Wednesday, June 22, 2005

three hours of work demolished in ten minutes.

This is the nature of baking stuff.

I just made two loaves of bread and a pan of cinnamon buns, (in an act of quasi atonement for not prepping dinner tonight). Seriously though kids, three hours of work... with only crumbs, a few remaining dishes and a happy bread filled crew to show for it. It doesn't bug me though, because, well, they're a happy bread filled crew.

Second day of work was grand. Worked harder. Tomorrow is an eight hour day (wow. a full day of work)... so I need to be chipper. I also need to work on not being afraid of the rushes during the day... seriously, the place turns into a zoo three times a day, it's a little intimidating.

I'm off. goodnight


Blogger Shannon. said...

word up, babe, Im back from the woods. Rushes get to be fun when you get used to them, I promise. Read my blog. After treeplanting, I believe that sanity is a paper thin garment we put on just for fun...throw someone in the woods with a shovel. HAH! we'll see how sane they are. again, HAH I say.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Accultus said...

Hey you. Mail me some bread i need to get fatter. It's the bro from that place down east. Read my latest and you'll hear about a really good day.

chow homie

10:35 AM  

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