(and you thought I was kidding).
Introducing... my immortal pets!
They are named Unsterblich and Ewig. Pronounced "ooonsterblik and eh-vig". Meaning "immortal" and "forever" in German. Here they are in their cage.
Me feeding Unsterblich. I don't have to feed him. I just want to. Take that dog-mommies.
So happy together.
Introducing... my immortal pets!

My sojourn into pet ownership has taken a new turn. As far as I'm concerned, the furry (mortal) ones can go break someone elses heart. As for me? I've got Unsterblich and Ewig in a tank in my room. They're quiet. They're tidy. They don't move much. But most importantly of all, they are immortal!
get yours today.
get yours today.
wow...The post was funny, and yet oh, so sad.
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