Well that's it ladies and gents... my first ouchie sunburn of the season... it was inevitable. I am 'lergic to the sun. Lame.
So, I was up north at the River... the River is close to Washago Ontario and is my grandma's property. I hung out with ze cousins... my cousins are frickin rad.
I'm tired guys. I need to sleep. I will try to0 post something of substance tomorrow. In the meantime... this is des's puppy in a shirt. srsly.
Well that's it ladies and gents... my first ouchie sunburn of the season... it was inevitable. I am 'lergic to the sun. Lame.
So, I was up north at the River... the River is close to Washago Ontario and is my grandma's property. I hung out with ze cousins... my cousins are frickin rad.
I'm tired guys. I need to sleep. I will try to0 post something of substance tomorrow. In the meantime... this is des's puppy in a shirt. srsly.

des would like me to add the disclaimer that her boss at hot diggity dog made winston wear the shirt. really he's way to cool for stuff like that. cool and manly. he wont let des kiss him in front of the other puppies. des just makes Tang for all of them, whille they play videogames.
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