Monday, June 06, 2005


I am a little perturbed. I just had my interview with the Roasting Co. It went well I think. He didn't ask me many questions, just mostly gave me job descriptions... I'd work weekends and so it'd be part-time, I'd have to either sell a lot of beads or get another job... and the other job thing might be hard. To work at the Roasting Co. I need to be as available as possible for anything that comes up during the week. Ick. I'll know if I have the job by Friday.

The work would be really stupid fast paced. I hope I can handle it. I'd be trained to be a barista. That's a universal qualification and a ridiculous asset for finding jobs... the training alone might make the job worth it. It's just that I'd have to be GOOD at it. I'm sort of afraid. I need more good references on my resume. I wish I could skip the cafe work and just be a youthworker as a summer job, I'm better at it.

I have no experience in cafe work. I have no experience in retail. I've had a couple of great government jobs that haven't given me enough experience in real world student job skills.

I don't know whether I should take this Roasting Co. job even if I get it, or whether I should try for full time elsewhere. This feels very dramatic and complicated right now. I now officially hate job and househunting.

Maybe I should just busk all summer. I bet I could make decent money.

My one beauteous saving grace is that I have a work-stay thing going at the Severns, so food, housing and transportation are looked after for the summer. I just need to save some money for school and an apartment... after that I'll be alright. I kinda hope I can strike gold somewhere, but from the looks of things I'll just be slogging it at an undisclosed location at this point... sigh.

Every thing is going to be fine. I'ma go knit for awhile.


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