Tuesday, June 07, 2005

if Jesus drove the General Lee...

So I was in Sunday school a couple of days ago helping out with the grade ones. About a dozen rowdy, gap toothed six year olds made up the class. They made a rather large room seem very small.

They were very friendly considering I was a stranger. One girl came up to me and introduced herself as Molly.

I'd heard of Molly.

She was very outgoing, was missing her front teeth and had freckeles and mouse brown hair. She asked me if I knew her big brother Ryan . I did (he's Andrew's best friend) and I told her so. She grinned and after that we were friends.

We did listening prayer with the kids. It's pretty cool, the idea is that God speaks to us and if we listen to him, we can hear in our hearts what God has to say to us.
So the excercise was that in our minds we entered God's throne room in heaven. Then we asked the kids to tell us what they saw. The kids wiggled and shot their hands up. 'Gold!' one little guy said, 'Angels!' said another.

Molly couldn't contain herself. We asked, 'Molly, what did you see in God's throne room?'

Wide eyed Molly stops and then pipes out - 'The Dukes of Hazzard'.

I nearly bit my tongue off. Trying to regain some composure, we asked who they saw on the throne, Molly pauses, ten squeals 'God... and Daisy Duke!'

Maybe Jesus drives the General Lee...?


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