Monday, August 01, 2005

look I'm tired. no more okay?

conflict brews. Last night I totally lost it and stormed out on a couple of my good friends. It was bad, I hit the wall and swore. I then felt so ashamed that I hid in a basement bathroom and considered never coming out.

I shocked myself mostly. I'd forgotten that I could act like that. If crap is in the cup, I guess I should know what's going to come out when the cup gets shaken...

Sigh. So now I'm on my day off eating tomato sandwiches, housebound mostly. Amanda is in the livingroom watching spiderman, and the rest are at camp for the week. Taking the population of this house from fourteen to four makes this place seem incredibly empty and quiet.

Sigh. I feel like doing something just to make myself feel better. Typically that list includes reading, making bread, decorating stuff, doing 'zine layouts... low key things.

I'm going to go finish my tomato sandwich. More later, I hate downer posts.


Blogger Shannon. said...

ehnh, meaghan, i wanted to write a poem about you...but my creative juices are sloshed. bottom may think you're crap in the cup, but you're my own personal long distance heart latte.

8:58 PM  
Blogger .letting go said...

I'm not crap, nope, never thought I was. Just that there's some crap /in/ me that needs to be dealt with.

Either way shann, thanks.

9:42 PM  

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