Sunday, November 19, 2006

this and other ridiculous pet incidents with...

Levi the Cat.

Set his own tail on fire today.

(I wish I was making this up.)

I was sitting by the fireplace, and Levi was rubbing up against me trying to get his ears scratched. He was sashaying his tail just so. And he rested it on the glass pane of my fireplace.

sizzle. sparks. smoke. Smell of burnt fur.

Levi wasn't sure what had happened, so he just meowed a lot while I lost my MIND and checked him for any permanent damage.

There's a burnt patch of fur on his tail now. For crying out LOUD... I get the ONE cat who's going to set himself on fire.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

A genuine sick day.

I just actually took a sick day. I honestly can't remember the last time I took a sick day. I usually just muddle through the day feeling gross. But today I woke up and everything hurt. My stomach felt like someone punched it... (more specifically, like curry punched it)
All my muscles ached, I felt dizzy, hot and cold and shaky and I had a killer headache.

So I spent all of today sleeping it off. It's now ten to seven. And I don't feel great, but my stomache feels okay and my head doesn't hurt anymore. The main problem is that I'm going to be feeling nocturnal tonight for sleeping all day.

I just turned my music off because a train was going by in another part of town. But it was making that faraway train sound that carries a ridiculous amount of nostalgia for me. When I was a kid I only heard trains when I was at my grandparents place up north. And all of us kids had the idea that the trains belonged to Grandpa. So they were "Grandpa's trains."

Later, when I moved out west, the first place I lived in had a very busy railway running right through town. I heard trains all the time, learned to sleep through their sounds. But this memory is dear to me too. It was my first summer away from home where I knew I wasn't going back.

I'm going to shower at go to Trent Radio.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


It's taken almost two weeks... but my apartment is finally messy.
And this simply WILL not do. So I'm tidying.

Ideally this apartment should be swept daily. Realistically speaking... maybe twice a week I'll get to it. At least it's not vacuuming. I really dislike vacuuming.

But then again. I need to be in just that mood to want to clean my space. But I want a clean space much more often than I get into that mood. So nights like tonight I'm forced to clean against my will, in the pursuit of a clean space.

My dear brother is reading the 'Allegory of the Cave' tonight for his class tomorrow. We are chatting about the nature of reality. Smart cookie that one is.

I bought my cat a toy. I am officially a cat lady. Get me a box of mothballs and an oath of celibacy and I'll be laughing in afghans.


Friday, November 10, 2006

I tso finished my sessay.

All three are done. These have been a month coming, and it's been three weeks since I last felt like I didnt have an axe over my head. So I feel pretty great. I ran the last one (Text and Image) up to the cultural studies office today. I hope zsuzsa thinks it's all right. But she did like my 260 essay a lot... now I have to not write badly... ever.

After that I went to Trent Radio hoping to catch Dahnny boy, missed him and then went home to practice for the Shrimps. I wrote a skit this week... which was cool. It was about a vegan who chains herself to a deer at the opening of the hunting season... except the deer is suicidal.


Our show was SO good tonight... so tight, and such a great audience.... but some guy got really offended in middle of the last sketch(I wasnt in it)... (we poked lewd fun at a war vet character) and yelled at the top of his lungs that we were disgusting, that we should be ashamed of ourselves, that the show was disgusting and that he was leaving right now. He left and dragged his protesting, embarrassed wife with him.

Well, that put a damper on things. Dan recovered beautifully, and everyone was laughing again in no time. But hell... that dude was pretty determined to ruin the show.

It's not that I disrespect war veterans, or want to minimize the horror of the first and second world wars. I told the guys that the sketch was risky, and I wish the dude hadn't left.
But at the same time, I'm really glad we played on... it's one thing to not take a joke. It's another thing to call my friends disgusting for making a lewd character with a background in an ninety year old war.

I was darn funny tonight anyway. I'm really coming into my own with these guys... my characters are really funny, and I'm getting great feedback after the shows.

Plus tonight I got a shirt. It's official.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

three essays and a move.

Well. I've finished one essay and one move. I'm really pleased with the results of both.

The place? Is the nicest apartment in the city. I moved my kitchen over Tuesday and the rest on Wednesday (thanks Jardin and Jordan). And after some much needed shopping on Friday with Des... I set up the place. Everything is pretty much tidy. The art's on the walls. The bed is made. There are some dirty dishes in the sink. And all in all... the place is looking great.

It really looks too good to be true.

I've got some enforced minimalism going on, in terms of how the place is furnished. I desperately need couches. And I think I'm going to front for a futon or two... and pray for someone to inform me of their intentions of throwing away a perfectly good (black!) sectional sofa. Seriously though. If anyone in the blogosphere knows of some hookups for cheap couches/loveseats, please let me know. I dont want awful furniture by any stretch of the imagination, the place is really too nice for that. But I'm also working on a hell of a budget.
So, in the meantime... Everybody sit crosslegged! We'll have tea and look out my windows!

Now for the papers. For z/s... which already are extended. Any postponing after this point is a hyperextension... which will recieve no grace.
