Thursday, June 29, 2006

the mountain and the sea.

- I'm on Saltspring Island for a couple of days. Hanging out a bit at Andrew's place, and probably a bit at Jim's.
- Conference was fantastic. I played every night at the Espresso bar (read: huge loft of a gorgeous cedar chalet) and people really liked it! They bought me soy lattes...
- I made up a love song about a man and his d&d character for this guy at conference with a ridiculously high level wizard character and an affinity for pickup d&d. The song needs some tweaking, but I think it's a keeper.
- I'm not exactly sure how I'm getting to the airport for sunday.
- Saltspring is a little bit up in the air. I'm here, but Jimmy still has no idea that I'm here. I'm chilling here but once again the lack of drivers licence is an issue. So in the meantime, I'm doing readings forZsuZsa's class... in a room with the prettiest view in the world.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

where I wanted to be.

I woke up yesterday at five (after one sweet hour of sleep) and went to the Toronto airport... then few into Abbotsford, my former stomping grounds, a little under an hour from Vancouver.
The whole flight felt a little like deja vu. I've made the flight between Vancouver and Toronto almost a dozen times in the past two years. I think it was wierd because I don't live in B.C. anymore. Driving around town yesterday was strange, with a lot of "oh, I used to hang out here" or "hey I remember when I stayed up all night here" sort of moments. Ah nostalgia. It's a kick in the teeth.

I've already met up with a bunch of dear friends, eaten some good tofu and last night I crashed at about nine-thirty... I slept for almost twelve hours. Ten days of only needing to focus on one thing at a time could be the most restful thing that could happen to me right now.

All that to say, yeah Vancouver! Talk to you all soon.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

employ this.

a list.

- I am employed. Silverbean as barista. Bridge as Youthworker. Trent as student.
-Today was the worst day I've had in a long time. Sorry for anyone who saw me before about six thirty... when the soy chai's kicked in.
- Between Zsuzsa and Gilles Deleuze my mind is being shattered and put back together. I've never been more challenged or more frustrated in a class. Ever. It's ripping me to shreds.
- A breakup with God would tear me apart as a human being.
- I poured a heart latte tonight. It felt good.
- My essays are still not finished. I'm going to bed to write it tomorrow morning.
- Leviathan the Cat is on thin ice. I hope I can curb his less than good behaviours.
- still no internet.
- I have it pretty good right now. Vancouver on friday.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

sixsixsix and other numbers.

Yeah... I'm pretty sure my charismatic/fundamentalist Christian friends are gathered in prayer tonight... it being june sixth 2006 and all. I'm going to go watch the remake of the Omen. Praise God.

So, I am at Dahn and Dan (and Toph's!) about to drink some espresso. I'm listening Istvan Kantor make noises on the cd player. I've decided that Istvan Kantor must be a part of a healthy breakfast. I went to see him in Toronto last Saturday at a tiny little show at the Gladstone Hotel on Queen West... I tied off his arm so that he could take his blood and spray it in an 'X' on a sign that said "Queen W. is dead". Effing brilliant. All of it.

Yeah. I'm busy. And the job is fantastic... I really like youth work a lot. More than a friend. I am getting up early and going to bed really late... this must probably stop.
Okay...the internet is coming... so is the apocalypse.
but most importantly of all... zsuuuuuuuzsaaaaaaa is coming ......