Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hardly working.

I'm at the radio, looking over old blog posts and holding down the fort. I'm not working very hard right now, but I'm okay with that for the moment. I need to do some titchy little editing jobs and make sure the place doesn't burn down.

I got about four hours of sleep last night after an extended session of post graduate lecture drinking with z/s and about twenty others. I audibly groaned when the alarm rang at ten to seven. I chased away the possibility of a hangover with about a litre and a half of water. Dahn was less lucky, he's been keeping a trainwreck of a migraine at bay for the past week. It caught up with him.

I've made an appointment for new tattoos next week. This'll be the beginnings of the sleeve on my left arm. I have such plans. The appointment is four hours, I'll have a lot of ink by the end of it. I think I'm ready. The parents are going to cry. They always do.
Expect photos by next friday.

Later loves. I really need to make a promo or three.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

an opening. a wound.

I'm about to sleep.
Today was a bit of a wierd day. I'm still getting used to the time change, which is always rough in the fall. It's dark at about five thirty, soon it will be dark at five or so. Pitch black night dark. Honestly. It tempts me to wind down much earlier. I didn't leave my building (save to seek out a bottle of wine) after I got home from school.

The best part about summer is being able to loiter outside. It's cheaper than coffeeshops and less claustrophobic than home. Winter is long, and it seems like a long night.

Working on creative pursuits. My cupboards have a strange collage of paper faeries growing on them.

Monday, November 05, 2007

It's still morning.

Ahhhh, the return to sloth. Feels good. I slept for thirteen hours. I went to bed before ten. I woke up at six all perky and stuff. I read for a bit and figured that six was a boring time if you couldn't go grab a cappuccino. So I went back to sleep.

I sort of wish I hadn't. A wholesome eight hours with an early wake up would've felt good. Whatever, I was tired.

I cried for an hour yesterday. Tried to talk myself through it. Eventually became snotty and incoherent enough so I couldn't. Mostly just sobbed.

Had the oddest dreams last night.
Dreamed that I was riding a motorcycle through my elementary school where there was a war outside. The kids had no idea that they shouldn't stand near the windows. Two were shot. I was chewing on a stick of candy, trying to hide the fact that I'd killed someone two hours earlier. Eventually convinced myself that I couldn't be prosecuted because it hadn't actually happened. I knew this to be true, but didn't connect the fact that it hadn't happened with the fact that I was dreaming. D/n gave me a ring made of glass. It fit, but the glass was thick. It was the same colour as my stick of candy which had turned into a glass straw. D/n spoke in tongues about the gift, I could understand him in the dream, but I can't remember what was said now.

Getting a coffee. Then to the radio.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

love will ya marry me?

I slept in. I think mornings are becoming more precious to me. You get stuff done!
Now I need to get stuff done faster.

My productivity this week is fantastic, I'm actually running my errands in a timely fashion!
I took my cat to the vet!
I got a paper in on time! I got an assignment in on time!

I've been getting up before the sun! Mostly!
So today I pay rent and bills and send out my OSAP.
I also need to clean my apartment (horrors!) because I have a guest tomorrow night who's staying at my place through the couchsurfing network.

To the door! I have things to do!