Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm sitting in the cafe. I am busily contemplating my life.
What am I going to be when I grow up guys? I dream of being a wanderer. A life-barista. A Preacher. A youth worker. A musician.

I guess the open options blow my mind. It's strange that after years of post secondary, I really haven't specialized (or pigeon-holed myself) in to much of anything. The only specialized skill set I have relates to espresso, and even that skill set isn't all that special yet. Pulling shots is not rocket science. It just requires care.

I've taken a few days off this week. It's done me some good.

Monday, January 21, 2008

And while she's straightening her stockings, her hair has gotten wet.

I'm sitting at Dahn's place. We're both on laptops.
I am cutting a class I really should be at.
At the moment I sincerely dislike school. Everybody says it's just the third year itch, and that I should do what I desperately want to do. Scratch.
That is to say, drop out.

I'm doing everything in excess. I hate it a little. I'm tired a lot.

In other news, I'm falling for someone.
It is unexpected
and lovely.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

quiet house. noisy head.

Thinking about stuff.
I'm cleaning my place, which looks like it was hit by a beer-bottle, cigarette, pizza-box tornado. (Note to self, an "anti-New Years gathering" is STILL a party...)

I'm tired. I'm hoping to restore a modicum of order to the space and then maybe crash for a couple of hours before tonight's hot date. I hope it's great. I'm supposed to be making the plans, but I'm at a bit of a loss for ideas... I mean, is dinner and a movie TOO cliche to even think about attempting?
Seriously, romantic planning is not my forte. I just want to buy flowers and drink smoothies.

Maybe I could cook dinner and make romantic smoothies?
Smoothies made of flowers?
I need a manual.
