Sunday, February 29, 2004

The Academy Awards are pointless.
I had an interesting day, didn't go to church, but spent some good time with my Creator.
Went to the Spill at 2:30, met up with Tom and Courtney and worked on a project (due tomorrow of course). And after a stint of that went to Grassroots for green tea and open stage. I need to play an open stage soon. Either at the Spill or at Grassroots, for a performer I don't perform much. I am playing a couple of coffeehouses soon with Shannon, one at the school and one for redcross. That'll be good. I want to start hitting up the cafe's and stuff when spring rolls around. I miss spring.
At the Noise we talked about justice. Wrap your head around it sometime.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

It's pretty late, and Matt is doing a search to help me put images on this deal. It's been a cool couple of days, I haven't slept a lot though. All the procrastinating really shoved sleep on the backburner, so I slept till almost one today. I then did a movie marathon with Brendan and the folk for most of the night, (Chasing Amy, Super Troopers and Old School)... funny stuff.
On the subject of movies, Passion of the Christ was intense, violent, brutal and convicting. I kept realizing that it was ME who did this to Jesus, it was ME beating him, ME shredding his back, ME smashing nails into his hands. And it was me he did all of it for. I cried all through the film.
I spent some interesting time with God this week actually. Winter's harder for me because I like to spend time with God outside, but I sat down in the shower on Thursday and hashed some stuff out with Him, listened some, and came out clean, body and spirit. It was great. I need to do stuff like that more often, it's so refreshing. I always forget what it feels like to really, really connect. When I do, it's always good. And I always feel like an idiot for not connecting more often, and yet...
It's a process, this faith thing. I like how God works on me a lot, it means I rarely have time to doubt His existence. But I sometimes wish I didn't have to fall on my face all the time. If I didn't screw up all the time, I could eliminate the sometimes rather painful process of conviction, repentence, discipline, etc. that I always seem to be in the middle of.
Why do I always have to do things the hard way?

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Yet again. Killing time. I'm currently listening to a little Rest Me Well, check out . The tunes are great.
I have three Lit. analysis' to do tonight. I'm an idiot when it comes to doing stuff in a timely fashion. However we're three weeks into the new semester and I have yet to hand something in late, so hopefully I can keep that up.
I'm going to go see Passion of the Christ tomorrow. I'm actually somewhat scared as to what I'm going to see. Graphic depictions of my savior being tortured to death? I'm way to accustomed to not thinking about it. We'll see how it goes, I'm stoked and apprehensive.
Anyway, to my drudgery I am exiled.

Monday, February 23, 2004

I'm still really just messing with this thing. I want to put pics on here and I haven't figured out how.
I've been in a craptacular mood all day, understandable for a Monday I guess, and I've got a ton of stuff to do. For the moment I'd rather just write on this...
I'm having an interesting time trying to put together a Battle of the Bands for ye olde highschool. Scott Miller is taking care of most of it and I'm taking care of the administrative side of things. It's coming together, but it's a lot of work.
Because it's tied in with Student Council, everything has to be motioned etc. Normally that's alright, but today Scott got in an arguement with a council member. She was in the wrong and was being nasty, but things got tense and ugly. Scott peaked out on her. It didn't go well for our cause of trying to get an extra $300 added to our budget... (the drama)
Oddly enough, we got the money... which will afford us a MUCH better sound system AND bring in District 7 for a set, which'll be cool. Better quality, better show.
I've procrastinated long enough for one night...

Sunday, February 22, 2004

So I decided to try this out. It's not like I know what I'm doing at this point but since when does that ever matter anyway? It's sunday... it's been a rough sunday for all that but it ended well. I went to The Noise at The Bridge, as is my habit, and the discussion was on innocence.
What a topic.
I appreciated the discussion, and the good questions... good food for thought. more later I guess