Well folks, I think I'd kill for either an expresso or an nap... one or the other. I'm leaning toward the nap but unfortunately a rather potent morning brew I had in class makes it pretty much impossible.
I do however love my java. This is a brief post about my love of coffee.
[why?] I love coffee because it tastes good. I started drinking it when I was eleven or so because I thought it looked grown up. I quit shortly thereafter for a number of years for fear of stunting my growth and never being 'grown up'. I dont know when I started drinking it again, probably in grade eight or nine I guess, and it has been a regular beverage for me ever since.
[how?]I drink coffee black, always have. My parents don't (both take single cream), but my gramma does. I think when I was younger I liked drinking it black because it was hardcore and then I just developed a taste for it. In the mean time it's just fun to rib people who dilute their bitter brew with lashings of cream and sugar (carlo raponi, for example).
Top Five coffee spots (in Van and Peterborough): The Spill, Ethical Addictions, Dreams and Beans, The Silver Bean, Brazza
In addition to all this, I think fair trade goes down smoother because it doesn't taste like injustice.
Peace out folks. Bet you know what I'm about to go make. :)