Saturday, December 16, 2006

Everybody sing together now!

~Oh! Dahn set up the internet! Yes he did, he is the best!~

Yeah, the lack of posting on the blog was not the result of negligence but rather of a lack of internet. For the first while that I lived here there was a really strong wireless signal from within the building called the Scheeron Family Network.

I think the Scheeron family moved to Alaska. Or got the plague. Or maybe moved to Alaska.

Yeah, a few weeks ago the Scheeron network just croaked. It was sad. So, no more free internets.
So Dahn installed the whole thing for me. And I was happy. Yes.

I'll have you know that all I have done today is make lunch. Eat it with Dahn and Dan... and nap.
But I will sing karaoke tonight. Oh yes.
At the Puck n Pint of all places.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

a grasp that is a letting go.

Today is the day which has loosely become known as my 'spirit birthday'. It's been five years since I decided to follow Jesus, five years of falling for him. I still love him a lot.

Today I want to make love to everything I see. His glory is manifest all around me. In my coffee, in my friends face. In my fingertips. I can hear the pulse of His heart beneath the pavement.

Our God is a consuming fire.
I am consumed. Swallowed up. Eaten.
Drowning in this fucking inexpressible grace and presence.

As I go, I understand Him less. I have fewer answers as He becomes more unfathomable. I have less and less to say in front of Him. I have less and less that I could say of Him if I were given a soapbox and a corner to preach from. I am dumbfounded that He is.

And god, He loves me. He loves me passionately.

Friends, May you know Him.
My Jesus, my Beloved. The Lion. The Lover. The consuming fire.