I love how it's not... "don't delete my blog" but rather, do not delete me. Me, as an entity. There you go. Delete me from your favourites and I will fade into oblivion. A death of sorts will occur. Internet Meagh will be no more.
ps. I've switched to Meagh. Not Meag. Or even Meaghan. Meagh. The 'h' is silent. So's the 'a' for that matter. My parents were all about unnecessary letters.
I'm moving the day after tomorrow. I get keys tomorrow afternoon. Lucky me! I think I'm going to call a cab and move my kitchen there tomorrow around dinner time. Get it out of the way. If I grab a couple of skinny friends and lure them in with tea, maybe we could get it all up there in one load and set up the beginnings of a kitchen. It'll be a start.
My essays aren't done. I've finally started packing. But to be completely packed and ready to go as of 5:00 Wednesday? Gonna be a stretch kiddos.
Okay. Naptime.